Power Play Women, is a digital sanctuary for young women seeking direction to grow, develop and progress in their careers and personal lives.

Founded by Devon Anjelica Brown and Christine Krzyzanowski, two women who are no strangers to the unique obstacles, heartbreaks, and failures that can accompany a woman’s rise to success in America’s cutthroat business world. Yet, through hard-work and perseverance, they have continually overcome their individual challenges to achieve the professional milestones dreamt of by many of today’s young women just beginning their business careers

It should come, then, as no surprise that Anjelica and Krzyzanowski are often asked:

“How did you do it?,” “How do I get to where you are?” Their answer: Power Play Women, Self-discipline. Resiliency. Humility. Determination. Perseverance. These are foundational traits of success that Power Play Women cultivates and fosters in its online sanctuary filled with stories, encounters and interactive sessions with women who are at the peaks of their careers dropping knowledge to the next generation.

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