Shekinah Beckett-Young | Founder and Owner Forever Young Beauty Bar | Memphis, TN

Shekinah Beckett-Young | Founder & Owner Forever Young Beauty Bar | Memphis, TN

When did you start in your field?

I went to hair school in 2007 but I didn’t open my salon until 2014. 

  • Did you always know this is what you wanted to do?

No. I’m still trying to figure myself out. Trial and error in the beauty industry. 

  • What was the biggest obstacle you had in your career?

Actually being someone’s boss. I realized that I help feed families so trying to make the best decisions for the business. 

  • Do you feel being a woman has made it harder for you to succeed, made it easier or indifferent?

In the beauty industry, no. In general yes. I never realized how closed minded some people are until I started my business. 

  • What was the biggest milestone/accomplishment in your career?

Actually opening so far is the biggest accomplishment so far. We had a lot of hoops to jump through. 

  • If you are married or have children how do you “make it work”?

My sleep schedule is not normal at all. I fall asleep in the middle of the day sometimes. Im really not sure how I make it work but I do. 

  • What do you think young women wanting to pursue a position in your field should focus on?

A very good business plan and surround themselves with people that are like minded. It really helps to throw ideas around with someone who can give good feedback. 

  • Aside from having a desire to want to be in your field what are 2-3 things young women can do in specific ways to become good?

Never stop asking questions. Google is your friend. 

  • What are 3 essentials you cannot leave the house without?

Both of my phones and my Amex. I can get anything done with these 3. 

  • What are the must have apps on your mobile phone?

Social media is really big so I have a Facebook and Instagram profile for both. A scanner app that turns the scans into PDF. A signer app which has really came in handy. I’ve had to sign documents at the airport. 

  • What is your advice for young women entering into the working world?

Pace yourself and write down everything. Copy everything. Even after you verbal conversation. If it’s important email it to the person so that way you can have a paper trail. 

  • 3 words you would leave for young women reading this that describe you and your success.


One thought on “Shekinah Beckett-Young | Founder and Owner Forever Young Beauty Bar | Memphis, TN

  1. I enjoyed the interview. A lot of strong and solid advice give to any business person. Thank you Mrs. Young for your insight and desire to make things happen.


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